The Trollpasta Wiki Raises A Pet

*5:09GivemepancakesOnce upon a time, a bunch of bored people in the chat took a shit.
*5:09SonicFanForeverAnd the shit stinked bad as fuck
*5:09GivemepancakesSuddenly the shit molded and transformed into a cute little furry anime creature.
*The chat decided to call the little furball "Collab"
*5:10SonicFanForeverThey started telling Collab stories and shit
*5:10FoxyGrandpa13I love cum
*5:10SonicFanForeverAnd Collab posted the stories on TPW
*But then
*Collab died from coming home
*From AIDS
*And LSD
*5:11GivemepancakesEveryone was sad, but then Givemepancakes had a magical idea to revive him with something called "Ritual Suicide".
*"What's that?" asked SonicFanForever.
*Givemepancakes then shoved a knife made from an enchanted animal bone into SonicFanForever's stomach.
*FoxyGrandpa13 has died. 
*5:12Douger123Giveme grabbed the knife and replied "Ill show you"
*5:12GivemepancakesCollab was revived as Blchnb, the mighty demon Blood-God.
*5:13SonicFanForeverAnd we all lived happily ever after
*I guess...
*The End